Public services made digital and efficient

Public services made digital and efficient

No matter how challenging digital transformation may be, at :ratio we help you create efficient, intuitive interfaces.

Canton de Vaud
Ville de Fribourg
Etat de Fribourg
Ville de Lausanne
République et Canton de Genève

Putting the citizen at the center and reducing costs

  • 💁🏻‍♂️ Transforming complex processes into intuitive digital services

  • 🏢 Ensuring municipal, city, canton websites meet citizen needs

  • 🧘🏼 Business applications that enhance the daily lives of your employees

A few turnkey services

We master all UX & UI methodologies, however here are some of the most requested services by administrations.

CHF 4’200 - 6’900

In-depth review of your site or application and recommendations.

From CHF 1'200 per screen

Clear and readable information, intuitive screens regardless of task complexity.

CHF 4’900 - 8’200

And/or accessibility testing to ensure inclusive services.

→ Need one-off or short-term support?
👀 Check out our UX & UI subscription offers

City and state websites

We help you prioritize project phases, manage costs and fulfil commitments.

Needs assessment

We uncover your users' needs by carrying out surveys and analyzing your website traffic. In order to get an overall view of the matter, we also interview your collaborators. This allows us to identify the main issues with your website and to gain inspiration for what it could become.

Sitemaps and navigation

Together with you and your users, we build the optimal structure and navigation thanks to card sorting, tree testing and website analytics.

Content strategy

We help you plan content creation and maintenance for your website to be easy to understand and effortlessly kept up-to-date.

Continuous improvement

We keep accompanying you also after launching: we monitor the quality of new content, analyze internal search entries to identify what users are still missing, and collect feedback thanks to short surveys.

City and state websites
Thierry Steiert
To collaborate with :ratio is to have the certainty that what you ask for is performed with professionalism, efficiency and creativity. For the complete redesign of its website, the City of Fribourg was able to count on the team’s close and experienced follow-up. The suggestions that we receive often go beyond our demands, in particular for what concerns the continuous improvement of the website. As proved on multiple occasions, their proactivity enables the City of Fribourg to offer a website that addresses the various, changing needs of the population.

Thierry Steiert
City of Fribourg's Mayor

Digital services for citizens

E-government is increasingly getting more appreciated and asked for by users, but it can also be very frustrating when not done properly. We assist you in improving or creating digital services that put your various user groups at the center.

Expert reviews and usability testings

Strong of our decennial expertise, we review your tools and spot structural issues and challenges. To ensure the viability of your services, we also help you gain impartial feedback by testing your ideas with real users.

Form and procedure digitalization

We help you turn any kind of form or procedure into its online equivalent. First, we analyze and reorganize the structure of existing forms or procedures to make them flow smoothly. Then, we eliminate jargon and barriers to accessibility from instructions, so as to make them inclusive and easy to understand for any level of literacy.

Digital services for citizens


  • Cost rationalization and efficient budget management

  • More time for strategic tasks thanks to the automation of recurring tasks

  • Less phone and mail enquiries by the public

Internal applications and intranet

We help you reorganize your intranet and make your applications smarter, thus letting daily tasks flow smoothly for the benefit of employees.

Internal applications and intranet

User interface redesign (UI) for efficiency

We identify and take out what makes your internal tool obsolete, providing it with a user-friendly interface that doesn't only comply with latest trends but is durable and adds real value. Your renovated tool empowers your collaborators by minimizing their daily admin tasks and by thus letting them focus on more strategic issues.

Application prototyping

By giving shape to your ideas with a prototype, we help you make sure your future application serves your and your collaborators' needs before its actual implementation. We iterate the creation process together with you and final users until full satisfaction of all involved actors.

Interdepartmental collaboration

Acting as an external point of view on the strategy of large organizations, we create a climate of exchange and collaboration, taking into consideration the needs and priorities of each and every actor involved.

Interdepartmental collaboration

Stakeholder workshops

We define personas, scenarios, success metrics and common objectives together with your teams until everyone is on the same page. Stakeholders can thus outline a shared vision to act upon.

Collaborator-centered processes

Thanks to shadowing, interviews and surveys, we help you gain most authentic insights from your collaborators and thus validate hypotheses, discover opportunities, inform your strategy and make relevant decisions.

Xavier Alexandre

Let us look into your current challenges to find a lasting, comprehensive solution together.

Email Xavier Or give him a call at +41 21 544 54 54

Some recent projects